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HackerRank Coding Interview 9. Rooted Distances — Part 1 — Question
Recommended Time: 45 mins
Skills:Problem Solving (Advanced)
Coding- HARD, Trees, Dynamic Programming
Languages: Python
Problem statement
Given a tree of tree_nodes vertices labeled from 1 to tree_nodes, each vertex is associated with a value a[i] . We define the beauty of some vertex v (where 1 ≤ v ≤ tree_nodes) as the sum of dis(i, v) * a[i] over all vertices i (where 1 ≤ i ≤ tree_nodes). Here dis(i, v) denotes the number of edges on a simple path from i to v.
Determine the maximum value of beauty for any vertex v.
tree_nodes = 2
tree_edges = 1
tree_from = [1]
tree_to = [2]
a = [3, 4]
For vertex 1, beauty is dis(1, 1) * 3 + dis(2, 1)*4 = 0*3 + 1*4 = 4.
For vertex 2, beauty is 1*3 + 0*4 = 3.
It is optimal to choose vertex 1 with a beauty of 4.
Function Description
Complete the function maxBeauty in the editor below.