I asked ChatGPT “Why does Linkedin need to know my gender, age, and ethnicity” and, “is it legal”? ChatGPT’s answers were surprising.
As an engineer I am always on the lookout of whats in the job market and what skills I need an update on.
Linkedin is my favorite site to browse and look for opportunities. Not to forget, its a great platform for networking and creating long-lasting connections.
This is also a place where I feel inclusive and open to sharing my views, and likes, without any fear of judgment or retaliation based of my gender, age or ethinicity.
TLDR; I learned and decided today that I would rather select “PREFER TO NOT ANSWER” in all the questions which make me feel uncomfortable or discriminatory, in my job application.
I would rather have employers select me based on my qualifications rather the segment of the society that I humbly and lovingly associate with.
This morning when Linkedin presented me with this pop-up, I started filling it right away.
BUT THEN ….. it some thoughts pounded on me ..
Linkedin does mention that “my responses will be kept confidential” and “wont be shared”,…. so I had absolutely no doubt that it would be shared with other companies or recruiters … .
However, the 3rd bullet point “Provide Workflorce insights on what we’ve learned”, threw me off.
Who is/are the target audience that needs my response….
… is it legal for companies to ask this question to me OR a 3rd party like LINKEDIN?
… what is appropriate and what is not?
…. am I ever ranked high or lower than other candidates based on this questionnaire?
…. and IS IT FAIR?
As I ponder in my own set of questions and doubts about this questionnaire, another thought creeps into my mind
… an ago old belief
… a feeling that each underdog has
… that each caregiver thinks,
… that each person of a different gender or ethnicity or race thinks.
Do Company think about if I BELONG AMONGST them OR NOT?
This questionaire is critical information.
AND its is nerve-racking to think that someone out there
…. may make a decision
…. based on my ethnicity or gender or something that is emotionally tied to my identity… and
… may decide to NOT OFFER me the JOB.
So I TURNED TO ChatGPT ( the true Masaih of the present age),
…… to know what is the TRUTH
…… and understand how companies perceive my information.
Spoiler - alert
ChatGPT is Diplomatic, and likes to keep things in the guessing. Even when pressed for hard questions, it took the high road and maintain the aura of non-bias.
So… here it goes,
I start asking her.
Q. Does gender play a role in hiring?
ChatGPT> Yes, gender does play a role in hiring. Studies have found that employers are more likely to hire men over women for the same job and will often pay them higher salaries than their female counterparts. This is due to gender bias and stereotypes which can lead to discrimination against women in the workplace.
Q. Why do employers need to know your racial or ethnic identity?
ChatGPT> Employers may ask about racial or ethnic identity during the hiring process in order to gain a better understanding of an applicant’s background and experiences. This can help employers create diverse and inclusive workplace environments where all employees feel respected and accepted regardless of their race or ethnicity. Additionally, employers may use this information to track their hiring practices and ensure that they are not discriminating against any applicant based on race or ethnicity.
Q. How much impact does sexual orientation have on your employment application ?
ChatGPT> Sexual orientation should not have any impact on the outcome of an employment application. It is illegal for employers to discriminate against applicants based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, and doing so can lead to legal action and potential damages.
Q. Does your sexual orientation play a role in hiring?
ChatGPT> No, your sexual orientation does not play a role in the hiring process. It is against the law for employers to discriminate against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Any employer found discriminating against an employee because of their sexual orientation can face legal action and be liable for damages.
Q. Followup — Why do employers ask sexual orientation during hiring?
ChatGPT>Employers may ask about sexual orientation during the hiring process in order to gain a better understanding of an applicant’s background and experiences. This can help employers create diverse and inclusive workplace environments where all employees feel respected and accepted regardless of their gender identity or expression.
More questions on Disability
Q. Do some amployers deny employment to disabled applicants?
Yes, some employers may deny employment to disabled applicants if the disability would make it difficult for them to perform the job or if they cannot make reasonable accommodations for the applicant. It is important to note that this practice is illegal in many countries and jurisdictions, including in the United States where employers are required by law to provide reasonable accommodations for disabled individuals.
Q. What is considered a disability?
A disability is defined as any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. This includes conditions such as blindness, deafness, mobility impairments, learning disabilities, chronic diseases and mental health disorders.
Linkedin asked a sneeky question on my BIRTH YEAR. So I asked ChatGPT, Is it legal to ask age during a job application?
ChatGPT> No, it is not legal to ask age during a job application in the United States. Asking about someone’s age is considered an illegal form of discrimination under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).
Q. Can employers ask if I am a primary caregiver?
ChatGPT> No, employers cannot ask if you are a primary caregiver. This type of question would be considered discriminatory and is not allowed under employment law.
Some questions on Military background?
Q. Is it beneficial to ask military background in job application?
ChatGPT> No, it is not beneficial to ask about military background in a job application. Depending on the jurisdiction, this may be considered discriminatory and could lead to legal action against the employer. Additionally, it can make some applicants feel uncomfortable or excluded if they do not have a military background.
These kind of questionnaires and pop-ups and their true intends stay hidden. But as a job applicant and a respondent to these questions, it can get tough and mentally disturbing at times to get past your insecurities specially when its asked right before you select a job for application.
Personally, I will browse through these questions and “prefer not to answer” any of these. So I can remove guess-work away from my hiring process. And if I get rejected, I would know its not coz I belong or not-belong to a certain group.
More Question on my Region and/or gender or repeats to ChatGPT and its answers.
How much impact does sexual orientation have on your employment application in san francisco?
Sexual orientation should not have any impact on the outcome of an employment application in San Francisco. The city is known for its progressive policies and commitment to protecting individuals from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. Employers found discriminating against applicants because of their sexual orientation can face legal action and be liable for damages.
Does being a transgender help in hiring?
Being transgender does not necessarily help or hinder one’s chances of being hired. However, some employers may be more open to hiring a transgender person than others and may be more willing to create an inclusive workplace environment. Ultimately, each employer will have their own policies and practices when it comes to hiring individuals regardless of gender identity or expression.
Do nonbinary applicants get hired easily?
Nonbinary applicants can face challenges when it comes to being hired, as some employers may not be familiar with nonbinary identities or gender expression. However, there are steps that nonbinary applicants can take to increase their chances of getting hired, such as ensuring they are well-prepared for job interviews and emphasizing the skills and experiences that make them an ideal candidate for the position. Additionally, many companies have policies in place to protect employees from discrimination based on gender identity or expression.
Do transgender asexual or Bixeua or gay applicants get hired easily?
No, transgender applicants do not always get hired easily. In many cases, they may face discrimination and be judged more harshly than other applicants. Additionally, some employers are unwilling to hire transgender people due to their own personal beliefs or the potential for backlash from customers or other employees.
Do White or Caucasian applicants get hired easily by tech companies?
No, White or Caucasian applicants may not get hired easily by tech companies. Tech companies are increasingly looking to diversify their workforce and have been criticized in the past for having a lack of diversity among its employees. As such, tech companies may be more likely to prioritize candidates from underrepresented backgrounds when considering new hires.
Which underrepresented backgrounds do tech companies consider to hire from?
Tech companies may consider candidates from various underrepresented backgrounds when considering new hires. This can include people of color, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, veterans and those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Which Race generally comes from economically disadvantaged backgrounds?
People of color are more likely to come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds than White people. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, African Americans and Hispanics are two times as likely to live in poverty compared to non-Hispanic Whites. Additionally, Native Americans are three times as likely to live in poverty.