Optimizing LLMs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fine-Tuning with PEFT and QLoRA

Amber Ivanna Trujillo
14 min readOct 30, 2023

A Practical Guide to Fine-Tuning LLM using QLora

Conducting inference with large language models (LLMs) demands significant GPU power and memory resources, which can be prohibitively expensive. To enhance inference performance and speed, it is imperative to explore lightweight LLM models. Researchers have developed a few techniques. In this blog, we’ll delve into these essential concepts that enable cost-effective and resource-efficient deployment of LLMs.

What is Instruction Fine-Tuning?

Instruction fine-tuning is a critical technique that empowers large language models (LLMs) to follow specific instructions effectively. When we begin with a base model, pre-trained on an immense corpus of worldly knowledge, it boasts extensive knowledge but might not always comprehend and respond to specific prompts or queries. In essence, it requires fine-tuning to tailor its behavior.

When Does Instruction Fine-Tuning Work?

Instruction fine-tuning shines in specific scenarios:

  • Precision Tasks: When precision in responses is paramount, such as classifying, summarizing, or translating content, instruction fine-tuning significantly enhances accuracy.



Amber Ivanna Trujillo

I am Executive Data Science Manager. Interested in Deep Learning, LLM, Startup, AI-Influencer, Technical stuff, Interviews and much more!!!