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The Relaxation Response — Meditate state to live longer
The Relaxation Response written by a book written in 1975 by Herbert Benson, a Harvard physician, and Miriam Z. Klipper. LINK to his site —
So, basically, in the book they talk about this automatic reaction your body has to a mental trick and a relaxed attitude. People have been using this for ages in different religions and cultures to get into different mind states. Scientists got interested in it because of studies on Transcendental Meditation, this type of yoga meditation that started becoming popular in the West.
Transcendental consciousness is frequently defined as a state of pure awareness that exists outside of the normal fluctuations of thoughts, emotions, and sensory sensations. One may feel a sense of togetherness, interconnectedness, and deep inner tranquilly when in this state.
Benson’s website and his book describe four essential components of meditation needed to bring about the response: a mental device (a simple word, phrase or activity to repeat to keep the mind from wandering), a passive attitude, a quiet environment, and a comfortable position.
From these components, Benson developed a 6-step technique for eliciting the response for study at the Thorndike Memorial Laboratory and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. By…